About Us
Mother, daughter duo: Heather and Evie run Equinisation.
Keen equestrian enthusiasts who are passionate about helping your business thrive.
Where strong foundations are laid...
Living in the countryside and loving anything horse related, we work predominately with small equine businesses but hold a wealth of experience with other types of businesses too. Heather is the Queen of Organisation, loves administration and bookkeeping and getting systems in place. Evie is your go to person for all things Media - Social Media, Reels, video editing and getting your marketing where it should be!
Our main aim is to relieve pressure on small businesses to help you focus on your skills.
Now we may be going out on a limb here but, we don't think you got into doing what you're doing because you like bookkeeping... or credit control... or tax returns. So, why are you still doing them? Usually the answer is because you can't afford to take someone on full time or you aren't big enough for that yet. Well, this is where we come in. No job is too small (or too big) and you can utilise us for your specific needs on an ad hoc basis -whatever works for you!